Crystal Therapy
Crystal Therapy has been around for centuries and uses crystals, gemstones, stones, minerals, and elements of Nature (will refer to all as “crystals”). Each have their unique molecular structure, properties, vibrations and energy. This Energy is why you are attracted to specific crystals, similar to why you like specific styles of music. Crystals will assist in balancing, cleansing, restoring, rejuvenating, and harmonizing your own vibrations by entraining their frequencies and amplitudes into your personal space. Crystal Therapy is used for person, animal, home, business, vehicle, land, etc. If you have animals or children around, notice how they love crystals.
Crystals have frequencies, properties, and energies according to their chemical makeup. When the client is open to receive crystal essences these energies will integrate into their aura/body/space to enhance wellbeing.
Crystals have the ability to hold and emit frequencies and energy. Industry uses quartz crystals in electronic items like watches and computers. The crystal essences and charges are in resonance with their molecular structure and location they were formed. The shapes of the crystals (natural or machine enhanced) influence the essence flow. Crystals affect the electro-magnetic energy fields (aka subtle bodies) also known as the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, the Aura.
On a massage table or in a chair the client is fully clothed. The practitioner places the crystals around, may rest them on top the client, or may have them hold them. Placing them on acupressure points or meridians, subtle energy vortexes (Chakras) or at (near) the sites of pain/illness. A treatment is between 30 to 60 minutes.
Crystal Therapy for a space is usually combined with Space Clearing and Repurposing. This is when we cleanse of energies no longer welcomed, neutralize, and then bring in your new intention. We review what is going on and where you see the space to be. We start a week ahead with preparing the crystals, elements, and tools for the clearing and repurposing. Time depends on the space’s size; average home appointment is 2 hours
Disclaimer: Animal CranioSacral, Reiki, Tools of Vibrations, Crystal Therapies are complimentary to your animal’s health/medical care plans. It is not a replacement to their current or future medical health program.
Crystal Gridding is a service offering Crystal Energy long distance over space and or time. We review your intention then I meditate on it and design your request. Using a blend of sacred geometry, crystals, and other elements to share your story for these Higher Realms to manifest the Highest Good. Examples of requests have been clarity, infusing love, removing impatience during an event, bringing in harmony and peace for a situation, open to amicable solutions, or comfort and peace during a life transition. When the grid is completed, I meditate for messages the grid shares with you. You receive photos for your continued path.
Crystal Wand Making – this workshop you make two wands infused with your intentions. Wands have been made for personal empowerment, Fairy and Angelic Realms, manifesting, talking sticks, dream walking, and Lights of Hope.
Invite 6-15 friends and family for three hours of creative fun. We finish with blessing you and the wands.

Working with Mother Earth and Four Directions.

Receiving guidance for an amicable solution.

Sending out compassion and Love.

Spring Equinox combined with crystal singing bowls.

For the aquatic animals.

Handmade crystal wands.

Crystal wand, crystal point, organic crystal (with iron coating from ground), Moses with Faery

Crystal shapes, stones.

Crystal & stone points, fossils and petrified wood, minerals.