CranioSacral Therapy for Animals
CranioSacral Therapy for Animals originates from the osteopathic tradition restoring balance and healthy patterns within the client’s body. This gentle, non-invasive, hands-on therapy evaluates then treats areas of tension to facilitate releases held in the Nervous and Musculoskeletal Systems. The utilization of light touch may be felt as heat, pulsing, muscular movement, and changes in breathing. Therefore, gently guiding other physiological systems to relax, self-correct and release pain and discomfort.
Expanding on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy is SomatoEmotional Release Therapy (SER). SER is the client releasing traumatic emotional residual effects that remain within the mind and body (tissue) memory. A gentle way to aid in recovery and PTS (Post Traumatic Stress).
CranioSacral works with all animals, domestic, farm, rescued, all species/breeds.
ALL animals respond openly with CranioSacral Therapy for it is on their time, pace and space. Their releases may be anything from passing wind, being very still, rolling on the ground, panting, sleeping, skin rippling, and so many others. It is their wellness plan that we follow.
We schedule the session, I come to you and let the therapy begin. The session is on animal time, this can be 15 minutes or 2 hours. Travel time is an additional fee.
Disclaimer: Animal CranioSacral, Reiki, Tools of Vibrations, Crystal Therapies are complimentary to your animal’s health/medical and emotional care plans. It is not a replacement to their current or future medical health program.

Chloe pelvis, sacrum, lastly the groin releases.

Bailey coccyx and temporal releases.

Rickey pole release.

Charlie receiving tongue release, notice the eyes softening and head relaxing.

Zen releasing digestive tract and after the session.
With warm gratitude for all these loving and trusting animals with their human families to allow me to share their stories and photos.